Foul Territory

A sports blog with no specific focus, though I like wrestling and baseball


MLB Gets it Right

I'm talking about MLB's live gamecast on the internet. Basically, it's like a living scorebook. At any point in a game, it tells you who is up, who's pitching, who's on, the count, the score...pretty much everything you'd want to know. They even show pitch locations, and you can see where every ball in play went. I've looked at Yahoo!'s and ESPN's, and they just don't compare to what MLB has been putting out. If you ever want to know what's going on in a game you can't watch, go to and check it out.

Of course, this won't be necessary for a while, since every game is on TV now that it's the playoffs. My feeling on the playoffs is this: most importantly, I want the Yankees to lose so maybe Tim McCarver and Rick Sutcliffe would shut the heck up about them. After that, I'm rooting for Boston, if for no other reason than to never have to hear about the curse again. Also, it might keep some of these Boston fans a little more calm. It's a close call for the most obnoxious fans in sports, with New York and Boston duking it out. So there you have it. I'd like to see the Red Sox win, but mostly I want the Yankees and their $184 million payroll to lose.
Andy, 6:58 PM